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Press Release Stacey Rose Press Release Stacey Rose

PRESS RELEASE: Lions Gate Chorus Named World Champions

Vancouver a cappella group breaks records and brings home the gold at international championship competition! 

VANCOUVER, BC -- Lions Gate Chorus, a Vancouver-based chorus of 100 a cappella singers, secured the title of International Champions on November 4th 2023, at the 75th Annual Sweet Adelines International Convention and Competition in Louisville, Kentucky, with record-breaking scores. 

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Press Release Stacey Rose Press Release Stacey Rose

PRESS RELEASE: Lions Gate Chorus finds a new home in Vancouver

A move to the Croatian Cultural Centre will mark a new beginning for the choir group

Vancouver, BC (September 6, 2022) – Vancouver’s own internationally ranked 4-part acapella singing group Lions Gate Chorus has found a new home in Vancouver at the Croatian Culture Centre, after over 18 years at their previous venue.

The move marks a new beginning following an influx in interest and new members since the group’s appearance on Canada’s Got Talent earlier this year, where all four judges voted “yes”.

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Press Release Stacey Rose Press Release Stacey Rose

PRESS RELEASE: Local Vancouver choir wows the judges on Canada's Got Talent

PRESS RELEASE: Local Vancouver choir wows the judges on Canada's Got Talent

When the opportunity to audition for Canada's Got Talent (CGT) came to light, Lions Gate Chorus almost let it pass them by. "I have to admit I very quickly wrote the opportunity off as not possible. Due to COVID-19 we hadn't been able to sing together for almost 2 years and I wasn't sure we had enough time to pull it together." says Sandy Marron, Musical Director.

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Membership, Technology Marketing Coodinator Membership, Technology Marketing Coodinator

Hybrid Solutions for a Live Art Form

This article was written to perhaps guide other choruses, be a resource to other singing groups and maybe even get us some helpful comments!

On July 13, 2021, Lions Gate Chorus held our first hybrid rehearsal. While we would love to say it went off without a hitch, the truth is it was a mix of smooth and rocky.

Read on for information about our Safety Protocols, Technology efforts, Membership (guest) considerations as well as perspectives from an in-person attendee, an at-home attendee, and our musical director.

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Healthy Singer Meghan Fell Healthy Singer Meghan Fell

Even the smallest act of kindness

Our world has challenged us and continues to challenge us in ways we’ve never seen before. While a global pandemic rages on, we’re witnessing political and racial upheaval that is leaving us shaken, uncertain and frightened. We’re not the first generation to live through harrowing experiences and while most of us are fortunate to live in peace, they are nonetheless difficult circumstances. Many people have lost their jobs, their independence, their loved ones. When faced with these situations, we are tempted to turn inwards, towards the darkness. Or we can face outwards, searching for the sun and opening our arms to our community.

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Healthy Singer, Membership Stacey Rose Healthy Singer, Membership Stacey Rose

Emotional health for singers - making a deposit in our resilience bank accounts

When checking in with our members as to how they are doing, we get the gamut! People are dealing with more than we know right now. For most, this separation has gone on longer than expected, and maybe the change of season plays into this, but it seems that all that frantic paddling underwater is giving way to authentic raw emotion being revealed. This is clear… not one of us is alone in how we feel and how we deal.

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Membership, Diversity Stacey Rose Membership, Diversity Stacey Rose

From diversity comes harmony

The blueprints of our lives, the very things that make us who we are, are reasons to celebrate and grow closer together, not further apart. Political or religious affiliation, country of origin, skin colour, body size, illness, varying abilities and disabilities, age, education, parentage, socio-economic status, what you do, what pronoun you use, and who you love; all of these and more are woven together to make the one-of-a-kind you… the one-of-a-kind me.

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Musicianship, Programming Stacey Rose Musicianship, Programming Stacey Rose

Virtual Choir Projects - The stuff people don't talk about

In these times when we cannot share our art together and with our patrons, virtual choir projects make perfect sense! Personally I have participated in several VC projects and can tell you from experience that it is indeed “as easy as they say” but no one talks about how terrifying, humbling, and downright awful it is. No really. I joke not. I in no way want to discourage you from tackling such a project because honestly, I enjoy watching them, and eventually after the scars have healed, I enjoy participating in them. That said, I do want to shine a bit of light behind the curtain… an honest look shall we say.

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